Monday, August 9, 2010

More summer fun

Dillon is a hit with everyone even strangers. We had a fun yard sale on Saturday and he was dressed in a gorilla costume. He runs out to strangers saying "Gorrr-ill-ahhhh" and thought he was pretty funny. He also burped the other day and I said, "what was that?" He says, "It was my Honk"

Hunter was cute. He decided to sale his lemonade for $1.oo I had to teach him that 10 cents was not a dollar. He wants to save some money to go to Classic Jungle Gym...(I think it is a rip off) Oh, what do you do?

Autumn was cute also, she sold her lemonade and some fun things that she had and was enjoying batting her eyes and having people say she was so cute.

Well the picture thing on blogger is not working for me so this is all you get this time. Fun Stuff! More to come.


  1. What a hoot! Tell Hunter I would buy his lemonade for a dollar...but only one, and once a year. Tell Autumn she really is pretty cute!

  2. Thanks for helping at the yard sale!!! The kids brought plenty of business, being as cute as they are. And it wouldn’t have even gotten set up if it weren’t for you! Thanks again!
