Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Swimming Fun

Some fun pictures of the kids swimming in their swimming pool. Doesn't it look refreshing?

And as promised, a picture of Hunter in his cute goggles. Wow, what swimmers.

They also found a gaterade bottle full of rolley pollies and thought they had more than Jaselynn (their friend in Washington that collects bugs, too)

Friday, August 27, 2010


Nice shades Dillon. On good days we ride our bikes to school. Hunter's first day of school was perfect. He couldn't wait to go and we headed out just in time. Dillon said, "this is a big ride" and made me pull him all the way home. The next day I told him his bike says Rock It on it so he made it all the way (a little over a mile).

Kindergarten is an experience for any 4-5 year old but for my Hunter it was great! (can't leave out the experience of the mother. I did have the butterflies in my tummy and for 3 hours kept looking at the clock) You can tell he was a little nervous and was looking for me. He saw me and then smiled big and waved goodbye and off he went.

Handsome Fella!!!

1st day of school...Autumn in 2nd grade. I was lucky to get this snap shot of her cute smile and outfit before she took off to find her new class. I love having the kids learn all kinds of things good and bad (more love the good than the bad) It's helping my kids grow so I love it. Isn't she full of excitement. I couldn't help but love and appreciate her for all she is.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Trampoline Fun

ATTACK HUNTER B.- my Hunter took this picture and thought it was so funny to attack Hunter Burrell. They are having a blast pestering this boy...and you can tell he loves to be pestered.

Thanks to Julie and Jeff (Jared's sister and Brother-in-law) we have a fun tramp. The kids have had a ball on it!! (Just a note: Autumn dressed Dillon up like a baby and played mommy-that explains the bib and pink shorts which are really baby pants.)

Friday, August 20, 2010


We all took a hike up Yellow Fork last week and on the drive Dillon say's, "When I was a baby I came here before" We get out of the car and he says with passion, "Oh, I belong here." Every biker, horse rider, runner, hiker that came around he said, "Hey, I belong here!"

We saw rabbits, lizards, 6 bucks 12 does, heard the coyote sing, it was a fun hike.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pet for the Day

Would you know that my kids love animals? Mostly the wild ones. This jar is full of a backyard wild pet. You can see one right in the middle of the jar. Any guesses? Well they are a little bug found in standing water...any guesses now? If you guessed Mosquito Larvae you are the WINNER! scratch-Autumn, Hunter and Dillon spent an hour catching all these little buggers and wanted to see them hatch...so they hatched-scratch. Well like any animal that needs to breath the lid had holes in the top-scratch-so before we could stop them they were free in the house-scratch. I have to say I was glad to have stocked up on cortizone cream-scratch.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Swim Lessons

The Kids had Swim lessons this last week. Dillon loved it so much! They let him go off the diving board and now he thinks he can go anytime he wants. FEARLESS!

Autumn had so much fun, too! Her favorite swim is the Dolphin kick. Hard to do but loves to pretend she is a mermaid swimming in a lagoon on a beach.

OH, Hunter. What can I say about him...1/2 way through lessons he graduated to 2nd level and used some swim goggles. I didn't get a picture of the goggles but imagine his cute smile and ears pushed down and there you have my Hunter swimmer. He thought he was cool stuff learning front to back and flips and how to back float all by himself. (maybe I can snap a picture with his goggles in the future)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pioneer Park

Hoping for a wonderful pioneer village experience? Visit Pioneer park at This is the Place Monument. We had only a few hours there and the kids had a wonderful experience learning about Indian culture, new pioneer development and what life they had and also how to pan for gold and trade it in at the bank. The Ice Cream was good too!

Hunter Z. Dillon and Hunter B. enjoying the pioneer ice cream.
Corrine, Autumn and Lanie...loving their slushies with cute umbrella's.
Navajo Indian culture still active in Utah. Would you know that this abode has so many symbolisms? My favorite one is the dome represents a pregnant belly and 9 sections of walls represent the 9 months of gestation.
What good children to sit and listen to the presentation. I loved it when she said, "Do you have any questions?" Dillon says, "Why do you have those rocks?" The funny thing is everyone else asked questions about the sheep skin rugs, the flour they use to make fry bread, or about the baby carrier (which was cool) but Dillon just wanted to know why they have rocks. :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dino Museum

What is your favorite Dinosaur?

Guess What the kids favorite ones are.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

More summer fun

Recently, we had some friends visit Utah (Corrine and Hunter Burrell) and I was so lucky to take the kids for a day to Classic Skating. We skated our little hearts out. We stayed there all day and went back in the evening with my sister and her kids. My camera died so I only got 1 picture with Valorie and Dillon in the evening.

Aren't they the cutest kids...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our zoo pass expired and this is the last day that we spent at the zoo. We had a lot of fun this year using our pass and sharing it with all our friends. This is Jessica (Jared's sister) Laura and the kids came with us also. It was fun on the rides and the playground, but the most fun was watching little baby Zuri (elephant) play in the mud and water. She is adorable...almost as cute as my kids. :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

More summer fun

Dillon is a hit with everyone even strangers. We had a fun yard sale on Saturday and he was dressed in a gorilla costume. He runs out to strangers saying "Gorrr-ill-ahhhh" and thought he was pretty funny. He also burped the other day and I said, "what was that?" He says, "It was my Honk"

Hunter was cute. He decided to sale his lemonade for $1.oo I had to teach him that 10 cents was not a dollar. He wants to save some money to go to Classic Jungle Gym...(I think it is a rip off) Oh, what do you do?

Autumn was cute also, she sold her lemonade and some fun things that she had and was enjoying batting her eyes and having people say she was so cute.

Well the picture thing on blogger is not working for me so this is all you get this time. Fun Stuff! More to come.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Family Reunion

24th of July Parade It was fun for the kids to dress up and be on the float and in the parade. Hunter and Dillon just loved grabbing candy.
Ran the 5K fun run in the early morning 15 of my family ran/walked it. The most amazing was Raychel ran it 5 months pregnant (and beat me) and Kami walked it with only 6 weeks left in her pregnancy. #15 is baby Wilson and he was the last one to cross the finish line. (Kami made her tummy the last one in). Ryan and Alisa won awards for their times.

Sheila did a great job with the games and planning the Reunion. It was really fun to see the kids all playing together and making memories.
The best was River fun! We tubed our hearts out. I think I changed Dillon's clothes 5 times one day because the water was to tempting. One thing I know is plan on lots of socks and shoes when you go to the Ranch...Socks get dirty fast and shoes always get wet!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Zoo with Celeste and Fam

There are for sure to many pictures to post of summer fun so I will try to post a few things in the next little few days of summer things we have done. In about a week school will begin and summer will be over. Enjoy...

We went to the Zoo with Celeste and family from Moses Lake, Washington

Autumn and Siriah made a plan to call eachother once or twice a week for the next year until they come to Utah again. They have what I think is rare...a true friendship.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Soldier Creek Crawdads

What is all the fun about? Autumn begged to go to Strawberry and fish for crawdads. It sprinkled a little, but that didn't stop the kids. They built a village of crawdads in a rock cave and wanted to keep them for their pets...instead we ate them for dinner. I know my kids are weird.

When we first got there Dillon said, "Oh, awesome, cool, and creepy." And then he discovered that they can pinch and made the "crabs" pinch sticks, roots, and clothes. I was just waiting for him to have them pinch his skin.

They sure had a lot of fun and it was worth the drive just to see their sweet smiles!