I promise that I will post more...why is life insane this time of year? So busy! Thanks for all who enjoy looking at pictures of my kids. I love having a record of what is going on throughout the year. I promise I will post pictures of my quilt I am working on, and how to make a paper box, and Autumn's baptism dress, and fun Christmas ideas and the funny picture of Dillon in the bath, and about all our fun trips we did while the kids were off track, etc.
I've been known in the past to say things in all inocents and then have them be completely opposite of what I meant...those who have done this or know me know what I am talking about. I think it is rubbing off onto my kids. Here is an example: We had some really fun times with the Burrell's not to long ago. They had to go back to their house and so we were giving them Hugs and saying goodbye. My Hunter was sandwiched inbeteen Emily and her Hunter giving hugs and he announces, "Help, I'm booby traped" That's my boy!
All have a Happy Thanksgiving!
That one made me laugh.