Nice shades Dillon. On good days we ride our bikes to school. Hunter's first day of school was perfect. He couldn't wait to go and we headed out just in time. Dillon said, "this is a big ride" and made me pull him all the way home. The next day I told him his bike says Rock It on it so he made it all the way (a little over a mile).

Kindergarten is an experience for any 4-5 year old but for my Hunter it was great! (can't leave out the experience of the mother. I did have the butterflies in my tummy and for 3 hours kept looking at the clock) You can tell he was a little nervous and was looking for me. He saw me and then smiled big and waved goodbye and off he went.

Handsome Fella!!!

1st day of school...Autumn in 2nd grade. I was lucky to get this snap shot of her cute smile and outfit before she took off to find her new class. I love having the kids learn all kinds of things good and bad (more love the good than the bad) It's helping my kids grow so I love it. Isn't she full of excitement. I couldn't help but love and appreciate her for all she is.
Awww. Sweet kiddos! They looked so nice. Autumn so pretty in her skirt and leggings. Hunter's looking good with his sweet hair cut. I loved his outfit, too. No eagle shirt. hee hee.
ReplyDeleteI agree. The good and the bad things they learn help them grow. Just wait until they come home and ask if you and Daddy french kiss. Ahh. Now that's an experience to remember. Love you!
Aww....they look so grown up! Makes you wanna shed a tear doesn't it. We start next week. Big 2nd graders! That's freakin me out! Ahhhhhh!
ReplyDeleteAutumn is pretty awesome isn't she?! She is such a little helper delper and a big sweetheart! Hunter looks pretty handsome there! I love it so much and wish I was there! You guys are THE best!