Hoping for a wonderful pioneer village experience? Visit Pioneer park at This is the Place Monument. We had only a few hours there and the kids had a wonderful experience learning about Indian culture, new pioneer development and what life they had and also how to pan for gold and trade it in at the bank. The Ice Cream was good too!

Hunter Z. Dillon and Hunter B. enjoying the pioneer ice cream.

Corrine, Autumn and Lanie...loving their slushies with cute umbrella's.

Navajo Indian culture still active in Utah. Would you know that this abode has so many symbolisms? My favorite one is the dome represents a pregnant belly and 9 sections of walls represent the 9 months of gestation.

What good children to sit and listen to the presentation. I loved it when she said, "Do you have any questions?" Dillon says, "Why do you have those rocks?" The funny thing is everyone else asked questions about the sheep skin rugs, the flour they use to make fry bread, or about the baby carrier (which was cool) but Dillon just wanted to know why they have rocks. :)