Would you know that since my last post I have taken 333 pictures? Who would have thought that I snap that many mostly of the kids? I guess I just get busy with other things and forget that I even have the internet. Well let me try to post some of my many pictures of the fun things we've done lately.

Our trip to Blue Lake

The Bonneville Salt flats. They even said it tastes like salt....Yum!

I thought Jared was pulling a trick on me one day when I went out to grill some chicken. NOPE! A nest of starlings had hatched 7 chicks.

any guess what this is?
This is a picture of Autumn and Hunter and Dillon doing things at the Quilt Walk festival in Panguitch. Autumn insisted on making a fun quilt out of fabrics that she was given. I thought it turned out cute!
I LOVE the quilt top!! Way to go Autumn! Also, that beaver is so cute!