A landowner works with the Division to allow a certain number of management elk to be taken on their land and so I was able to have one of these lucky tags. Little did I know it was a last minute opportunity and the adrenaline was way intense on my part. Jared was amazing with the kids (lucky to be out of school for the day). He took them sledding, hiking, and to the local gas station for snacks. In the meantime I was horseback riding Rosie. She was the sweetest well behaved pony I've ever been on. Mike (yes, one of the 6 Mikes we know who hunts) was on the other horse with saddle bags, gun, gear, etc. He was prepared for a great day of hunting. The first 200 yards of our ride we saw over 30 elk and Mike said, "That would end your hunt too fast, but you could try for these ones? It's your hunt." We decided to ride for a little while and I was so glad because we saw an amazing 4 point deer. I had him close and in my sites and broadside, but no tag. He was just tempting me. This majestic buck tried to disappear, but we saw him 2 more times in the day. BIG TEASE! So back on the horses. Spooked out of the draw came 3 elk. Getting on them was really hard because they were moving and wouldn't turn. Missed that group. So on the horses we go. Deeper and deeper in the canyon. Side hill-group of elk-far a way-and starting to move to the next ridge...Mike was pretty confident in me and build my confidence and so a shot flew. Missed completely (but now I know the gun better). We decided to ride up to check for sign and if they were close over the next ridge. There they are! I picked a calf (mostly because Jared's dad shot a cow a week ago and so we have plenty of meat.) I made a good shot and then the work began.
Most of you know Jared's arrangement he made with me the first year married. He guts all my animals and I change dirty diapers. Well, I felt like it was his turn to deliver...so he owes Mike BIG! Lucky for me I had an excellent guide do the job. I felt like a queen riding Rose back to the truck while Mike hiked his horse with my elk back. I offered to let him ride while I walked to horse and he would hear of that.
We met the kids back at the truck and found them Sledding down the mountain top having a great time. Perfect ending to a perfect hunt.
Jared's teasing me for putting "Crystal's elk meat" on the packages. Just letting everyone know this time I brought the meat home.