'tis the season! I like this sweet recipe that my sister Kami gave to me. It's yummy! Lots more work ahead of me. The Apple tree is full of apples to be dried and the peaches are spoiling fast. Not to mention my 3 little helpers need cared for.
Speaking of helpers how do you teach your kids how to work? Here's a few tips that I found work for my kids:
*Face card game (they pick up what the card says to pick up example: 5 is 5 things. Jokers are a treat and I put one King and one Queen in there when they get to tell me what to do and be King for the day)
*Job charts (only sometimes work)
*Routine (which I am terrible at)
*Tape recorder (mother-in-law's idea...you record on a tape player what jobs to complete and then when the kids perform the job they can push play again)
*Drill Sargent-I am the sarg. and they are the kaddets and I give orders and reward the good and discipline the bad-5 push ups.
*Bribes (candy, movie, surprise, etc.)
*Just ask...is it really that easy? Not in my family. I need some new ideas!
They are good little toopers when they want to be. That is why they spent 3 hours cleaning their rooms today...how exhausting can that be? (sarcastic of course)