Just a quick update...fun Christmas!! Something about staying in pajamas all day and playing with the fun things that we give and recieve from Santa and your family and friends, just puts me in the Christmas Spirit. My kids are so happy today. They were happy to pass out the presents to everyone and open their own. The best was Autumn's bunny (Missy) it was hopping around a cage and making noises and lit up a spark in her. Then Hunter...how does 4 hours of Wii sound...pure heaven for him! Dillon just wants to drive his BLUE motorcycle all around and shoot everyone with his new gun-to hunt with his dad with. (funny story: he went hunting with Jared and a nurf gun. Shot at a deer and it bounced off. So disappointed he didn't get to bag the deer and take it home he says, "I know what I did wrong dad, I didn't lick it" )
Well, fun stuff on Christmas. Joy in my heart knowing that I have happy children!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010

For a week we have been creative with forts and comfy spots to lay down. We also stalked up on library movies and books to read.

He got some fun stiff to play with from the nurse.
Thursday, December 16, 2010

We've had some fun decorating our tree. I love having the white lights on our tree every year so the colorful lights have been fun and different for us. Thanks to my parents who brought it up from South.

I can't believe these pictures of the boys sledding in grandma's back yard are all I have of Thanksgiving this year. Hunter pulled Dillon around for about an hour and then said to Dillon, "Now it's your turn to pull me." He tried and tried to pull but Hunter was to heavy. He was laughing so hard and didn't cry about it. He's a good kid.

We spent some time with Emily's family at the prop in Marysville. Emily and Hunter created a treasure hunt and the kids had so much fun! It was a quick trip south and we did spend some time with my mom in Panguitch too.

Our Halloween Holiday was spent in Washington. Kami and levi ran a 5 K with Riley and I was amazed that my kids ran the 1 mile fun run. Hunter couldn't let Autumn win so he ran harder than ever.

Oh how I miss Moses Lake! These girls are amazing! And I love that our kids all love eachother too. Autumn announced today that we are going to go back to washington next year so we can have more parties. Gotta love that Hunter pose. And Annalese put tape over here eyes just to be scary looking. Characters!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Autumn's Baptism Dress
Monday, November 29, 2010
for Shayden
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I promise that I will post more...why is life insane this time of year? So busy! Thanks for all who enjoy looking at pictures of my kids. I love having a record of what is going on throughout the year. I promise I will post pictures of my quilt I am working on, and how to make a paper box, and Autumn's baptism dress, and fun Christmas ideas and the funny picture of Dillon in the bath, and about all our fun trips we did while the kids were off track, etc.
I've been known in the past to say things in all inocents and then have them be completely opposite of what I meant...those who have done this or know me know what I am talking about. I think it is rubbing off onto my kids. Here is an example: We had some really fun times with the Burrell's not to long ago. They had to go back to their house and so we were giving them Hugs and saying goodbye. My Hunter was sandwiched inbeteen Emily and her Hunter giving hugs and he announces, "Help, I'm booby traped" That's my boy!
All have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 4, 2010

When I went to Cabo last year with him we saw one of these puffer fish and I think they are really cool! Quite the pile of shells, eh? When we lived in Gila Bend we would go to Puerto Penasco almost every other weekend and seeing these pictures remind me of those times. We had a lot of fun with lots of people down there. Fun Stuff!

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hunter's Field Trip

I was able to go with Hunter for his Thanksgiving Point field trip before he went off track. The followed this little boy Tyler all over and they became buddies. He has a really good teacher Miss Bell and a really good class. Most of the kids he knows from our neighborhood. They learned that chocolate milk doesn't come from a brown cow. The turkey was friendly, too! The baby animals are always so cute!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
6 Years Old
Friday, October 8, 2010
Eight Years Old

(if anyone wants to comment on my adorable Hunter...feel free-I know he is adorable)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hope kids makes sure they designate 2-3 hours of time just for hope kids children. Free of public...because of germs. It also helps create a strong unit of families going though the same things.

Bumper cars were a hit...The Merry-go-round was Autumn's favorite....and Mini golf was Hunter's fav. Dillon went hunting moose that day so he didn't get to come but loved spotting moose for daddy.

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Great to be Eight
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

'tis the season! I like this sweet recipe that my sister Kami gave to me. It's yummy! Lots more work ahead of me. The Apple tree is full of apples to be dried and the peaches are spoiling fast. Not to mention my 3 little helpers need cared for.
Speaking of helpers how do you teach your kids how to work? Here's a few tips that I found work for my kids:
*Face card game (they pick up what the card says to pick up example: 5 is 5 things. Jokers are a treat and I put one King and one Queen in there when they get to tell me what to do and be King for the day)
*Job charts (only sometimes work)
*Routine (which I am terrible at)
*Tape recorder (mother-in-law's idea...you record on a tape player what jobs to complete and then when the kids perform the job they can push play again)
*Drill Sargent-I am the sarg. and they are the kaddets and I give orders and reward the good and discipline the bad-5 push ups.
*Bribes (candy, movie, surprise, etc.)
*Just ask...is it really that easy? Not in my family. I need some new ideas!
They are good little toopers when they want to be. That is why they spent 3 hours cleaning their rooms today...how exhausting can that be? (sarcastic of course)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Froggy Fun

One of my favorite was in Arizona I came home from a walk and hear a scratching noise in my cupboard. Couldn't figure out where the noise was coming from and decided I didn't want to know. (mostly fear of a scorpion, snake, or trianchula.) When he came home he announced that he was collecting lizards for lizard races at the Branch activity coming up.
I had about 12 lizards and a horned toad all shapes and sizes in bottles for a few days. Kids loved them. This is a cute frog.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
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